Browsing articles tagged with " synthetic grass"

Fresh Patch : Disposable Dog Potty with Real Grass

Fresh Patch is a solution for dogs who don’t like using synthetic grass. The natural scent of living grass is certainly more inviting to dogs and puppies, we’re pretty sure they will use this product instantly. Since Fresh Patch uses only real grass, it’s important to replace it on weekly basis, order a new one, and throw away the old one.

Fresh Patch

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PetZoom Pet Park Indoor Pet Potty For Housebreaking Your Dog

PetZoom Pet Park indoor dog potty is a revolutionary product which offers pet accident-free living, especially if you live in a place with no yard. This product is made of a synthetic surface, the look and the feel is similar to real grass, thus, inviting your dog to urinate on it instead on your carpet, furniture or floor. If you think you don’t need this, think again. There are times when you can’t come home on time or take you dog out just like his daily routine. The last thing you want to find when you get back home is his mess all over the house.

PetZoom Pet Park Indoor Pet Potty

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