Browsing articles tagged with " Tidy"
Tidy Cats Breeze Litter Box Features Unique System to Separate Urine and Solid Waste for Easy Maintenance
Tidy Cats Breeze Litter Box might not be an automatic fancy cat litter box, but it changes the way you collect waste as well as litter that you use. You can collect your cat waste easier, therefore litter box is easier to maintain. You can choose to use Pine Pellets instead of Tidy Cats clay pellets, it works just as great but combined with Tidy Cats Breeze Cat Pads, it contains odor much better. The unique system separates the urine and solid waste, in this way, it creates optimum odor control. The company claims that the disposable pad located inside a pull out tray absorbs urine odor up to one week.
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