Browsing articles tagged with " pavement"

Musher’s Secret Protects Your Dog’s Paws from Harsh Surfaces

Protect your furry friend’s paws from harsh surfaces with Musher’s Secret. During winter, salt and snow can hurt dog’s paws, by applying this wax on your dog’s pads and between toes, you protect your dog’s paws from sand, hot pavement, ice or salt. It’s perfect for dogs that usually have outdoor activity on any weather, simply apply this wax-based cream and wait for like 15 seconds to dry, this formula will form some kind of shield to protect the paws. The formula used inside Musher’s Secret is non-toxic, non-staining, and non-allergenic which can be used on weekly basis, it prevents any burning, drying or cracking, the vitamin E inside this formula helps in healing wounds.

Musher's Secret Paws Protector

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