Browsing articles tagged with " digestion system"

Indipets Stainless Steel Slow Eating Dish Bowl Features No-Skid Rubber Base to Prevent Tipping

If you wonder why Indipets stainless steel slow eating dish bowl has weird design, well some big dogs can eat extremely fast as if it was their last meal. Eating too fast might increase the risk of bloat which could be life threatening. Sometimes when your dog eats too fast, there’s possibility that the dog swallows so much air that they vomit. Taking care your pet also means that you need to take care the way they eat. Previously we have featured metal brake-fast dog food bowl to help your dog slowing down when eating, this bowl has been designed to intentionally slide on the floor to further slow down your dog. If you prefer to find dog bowl with rubber base, then you should purchase Indipets stainless steel slow eating dish bowl.

Indipets Stainless Steel Slow Eating Dish Bowl

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